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Blog #3

About the blog id

Currently the id of the blog is whatever i come up with, after a while there will be a conflict id. So ... should i just use randomly generated id from the get go, or append a time string to the end of the id

The append string method seem promising but will be finding its later be more difficult. Currently, i don't think so, this afternoon (currently its 10:40pm for me) i learn about FlexSearch, a cool algorithm so i think i will use this format for the blog id


the title will be the title we using when we first create the blog and the time is also a time of creation, well to be more specific is the time when we submitting

About the created and modified field

At first i though these would be super easy, just use some git command magic a boom, you done, right? ... right?

Actually no, after some googling git by itself doesn't store/apply timestamp so next thing up the list is github


  • Single json file database, horrible i known, when we go large scale i will improve its. (First tech debt, maybe?)

  • Travis CI get git diff and compare with the database

    • if not found add its to the database and get set created and modified time as the commit time

    • if found update the modified time as the commit time

  • Get commit time via github api v4 GraphQL

  repository(owner: "remtori", name: "my-website") {
    ref(qualifiedName: "refs/heads/master") {
      target {
        ... on Commit {
          history(first: 1, path: "${pathToFile}") {
            edges {
              node {

Response path: data.repository.ref.target.history.edges[0].node.committedDate